Transformer Oil Regeneration

image of Oil change

TRI Oil Regeneration Set

Equipment setup at site with the two 12ft containers

TRI Oil Regeneration Set

Unloading and commissioning equipement

image of Transformer repair

TRI Oil Regeneration Set

Mobile Oil Regeneration Unit (MORU) with 12 fuller earth columns

image of Transformer repair

TRI Oil Regeneration Set

Mobile Oil Drying Unit (MODU) - 12,000 l/h oil treatment machine

image of Transformer repair

TRI Oil Regeneration Set

Mobile Oil Drying Unit (MODU) - 12,000 l/h oil treatment machine

image of Transformer repair

Oil Analysis

Color change after 5 cycles of oil regeneration

transformer oil regeneration and oil analysis

Oil Analysis

Color change after 5 cycles of oil regeneration

transformer oil regenration and oil analysis

TRI Oil Regeneration Set

Equipment setup at site

image of Transformer repair

In power transformers, oil and solid insulators are subject to aging. The primary mechanism for oil degradation is oxidation. Oxidation causes the formation of polar degradation products, with acids and sludge as end products. Water is also produced in the oxidation process. Ultimately, the production of large amounts of these degradation products results in the loss of the insulating properties of the oil. Even if the oxidation of the oil can be slowed down (by preventing access to oxygen, using an oil with high oxidation stability, etc.), it is necessary to replace the oil or restore its properties.

There are several attractive features of regeneration over oil exchange. While it may sometimes be necessary, for safety reasons, to shut down the transformer when the equipment is connected and disconnected, the process can be performed while the transformers are energized. This can have a significant impact on total costs in some cases.In the degradation of cellulose, several mechanisms are involved. The most important factors influencing degradation are temperature, humidity and acidity. The latter promotes hydrolysis as well as oxidation.

There is no doubt that maintaining the oil in good condition contributes to extending the technical life of solid insulators.

This is the most important consideration in decisions about transformer maintenance measures.

The reclamation/regeneration process is both an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to replacing the oil contaminated by new one. It avoids consuming a significant amount of new oil and managing the waste of used oil.

From a technical point of view, repeated, even continuous, washing of the solid insulation is a great advantage. As the oil ages, large quantities of acids, sludge and other degradation products are absorbed by the paper. They can then be dissolved again by clean oil.

In the case of regeneration, this happens to a large extent already during the regeneration process, in which they are finally removed shortly after being dissolved from the cellulose. In the case of oil replacement without appropriate cleaning of the active part (e.g. by "vapor phase" treatment), these residual degradation products can lead to a substantial shortening of the service life of the new oil.

These two processes, oil degradation and solid insulation degradation, have many interactions. The degradation products of one can interfere with the degradation of the other.

According to the standard IEC 60422-Paragraph 11.3, reclamation/regeneration is "a process that removes, by chemical and adsorptive means, acidic and colloidal contaminants and deterioration products from oil, to obtain oil with many of the same characteristics as new oil.
Oil reclamation should not be confused with oil reconditioning (traditional oil treatment), which is "a process that removes, by physical means only, solid particles from the oil and decreases the water content to an acceptable level."

Several techniques can be used for reconditioning transformer oil. Often the process involves filtration and vacuum dehydration of the oil. Thus, in addition to the above objectives, there is a reduction in dissolved gas content. There may also be small but hardly significant effects on parameters such as acidity and dissipation factor. This treatment is often performed to restore the oil's breakdown voltage and to lower the water content.

There are several attractive features of regeneration over oil exchange. While it may sometimes be necessary, for safety reasons, to shut down the transformer when the equipment is connected and disconnected, the process can be performed while the transformers are energized. This can have a significant impact on total costs in some cases.

Our on-load regeneration technology cleans aged or corrosive transformer oil, restores its dielectric properties, and increases transformer availability.

Regeneration processes require special equipment, high skills and long experience of the personnel.

Environmental Benefits

From an environmental point of view, the advantages compared to oil exchange or traditional regeneration technology are indisputable. The most important reasons are that oil is not a renewable resource and that the new technology causes much less waste of oil and adsorbent than traditional methods.

To prevent fossil fuel emission, exhaust combustion fumes are treated with activated carbon and catalyser to have an efficient treatment of fumes before it is released into the atmosphere, this design to manage oppropriately emission of waste gas is unique.

Screenshot of our PLC control unit on catalyser
Summary of the Benefits
of Oil Replacement Versus Oil Regeneration
Is the removal of copper sulfur, acidity and sludge effective?
Is the life of the transformer improved?
Can the work be done online?
Impact on the environment
Economic benefits
Oil Replacement Oil Regeneration
  • The polluted oil impregnated in the cellulose (paper, wood) will contaminate the new oil replaced after some time, the criteria of the new oil will not meet the requirement IEC60422.
  • The sludge inside the transformer will not be removed.
  • Successful removal of DBDS (the corrosive sulfur contributing factor).
  • Improved "like-new" oil quality.
  • Removal of other polar contaminants such as acids and sludge present in the transformer.
  • At the end of the oil regeneration, the oil will meet the criteria of the international standard IEC60422.
  • Extended transformer life limited to the remaining contamination of the new oil.
  • Successful solution for an additional transformer lifetime of >10 years.
  • Reduced possibility of transformer failure - increased reliability of old transformers.
  • Effective and long-lasting cleaning effect.
  • No
  • Yes
  • Significantly reduces the impact of operating costs.
  • Complete removal of the contaminated oil load,
  • From an environmental point of view, the advantages over oil exchange versus regeneration technology are indisputable. The most important reasons are that oil is not a renewable resource and that regeneration causes much less waste of oil and adsorbent than replacing the oil charge.
  • Higher cost,
  • Temporary effective solution (estimated at 5 years),
  • Direct cost, 20% to 50% lower than oil change,
  • No cost impact on the operation if regeneration is in-line,
  • Permanent solution,
Our Mobile Oil Regeneration Unit (MORU)
By using state-of-the-art Mobile Oil Regeneration Units (MORU), combined with our traditional oil processing units, Mobile Oil Drying Unit (MODU), the TRI regeneration service can optimize the life of your transformer oil.
Main Technical Operations:
Our Mobile Oil Regeneration Unit (MORU) is fully automatic controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system. Our unit consists of 12 columns, each column has a total quantity of 110 kg of Fuller’s Earth installed. The reactivation of the earth is obtained by burning. Number of regeneration / reactivation is approximated to ±300 with an efficiency up to 50%. Our Mobile Oil Regeneration unit (MORU) is always connected with our Mobile Oil Drying Unit (MODU) to heat (65°C minimum), degas the oil (reduce the gas and the foam) and dehydrate the oil (water < 15 PPM) before the regeneration.
redundant pressure guage for oil regeneration column
After the regeneration, the oil returns to the oil treatment plant to be degassed. Our Mobile Oil Regeneration unit (MORU) is capable of regenerating all mineral based transformer oil and has the ability to reactivate sorbent media for continuous operation onsite. Our Mobile Oil Regeneration unit (MORU) is set up in standard 6 meter long ISO containers that are specifically modified to accommodate the units. Our Mobile Oil Regeneration unit (MORU) is transported by a truck onsite. The weight of the container is 12 000 kilograms.
TRI sees safety as one of the key factors to successful oil regeneration. It is precisely for this reason our onsite teams are specially trained to operate under strict safety guidelines to ensure maximum safety of all equipment present on site. In order to maximize safety onsite our oil regeneration and oil treatment devices have implemented numerous safety features to minimize the possibility of risk. Fast closing electrics safety valves on the side of the transformer and on the side of oil regeneration equipment ensure that in case of a malfunction the transformer is completely sealed off therefore preventing any leakage of oil into the environment.
redundant presxsure guage for oil regeneration column
Redundant pressure gauge for columns
oil leak detector sensor located in the oil catch pan
Oil leak detector sensor located
in the oil catch pan
Manual overheating protection inside the oil regeneration equipment ensures that in case of a software malfunction or misuse oil is not overheated and damaged. Entire oil regeneration equipment servers as an oil catch pan with level switch inside preventing of any leakage of oil into environment in case of a local malfunction of the unit. Constant monitoring of temperature, flow and vacuum parameters across the equipment ensures that in case of an unforeseen situation the equipment switches itself into a fail-safe mode. It is also very important to note that our personal never leaves the site during the operation of the equipment and therefore all our equipment is under constant supervision during its operation.
Performance of our Mobile Oil Regeneration Unit (MORU):

Our Mobile Oil Regeneration Unit (MORU) regenerates transformer oils into new conditions fulfilling the requirement of IEC 60422 standard. Parameters indicating age of the oil inside the transformer such as Acidity, Tan Delta and Interfacial tension are significantly improved along with Break Down Voltage and water content. The level of contamination differs from transformer to transformer. The ageing process, as well as the utilization of a transformer, make it difficult to determine when and how oil will age to the point that it loses its dielectric properties. Regardless of the level of contamination, oil regeneration always delivers the result required by the IEC 60422 standard for mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment. However, our Mobile Oil Regeneration Unit (MORU) technology goes one step further and significantly improves on the values required by the IEC 60422 standard, with the returning oil having properties almost identical to those put into the transformer for the first time.

The oil regeneration is carried out onsite and can be performed on a live transformer.

*Oil analysis results after our regeneration process is completed
Our Process of Oil Regeneration

Our regeneration process uses the method of Fuller earth (sorbent) and is reactivated after each cycle. As a rule, the process is carried out in two alternate modes:

A- Oil Regeneration Processing Cycle:
  1. Oil is drawn from the bottom/bottom of the transformer,
  2. The oil is heated,
  3. The oil is pumped through the earth columns,
  4. The oil is passed through a filter and a degasser,
  5. And finally this oil is returned to the top transformer.
  6. The treatment stage can continue until the effectiveness of the Fuller's earth begins to deteriorate, or until it is practical to move on to the next stage (e.g. daytime treatment and nighttime reactivation).
Screenshot of our PLC control unit
B- Reactivation Processing Cycle:

At this stage, the Fuller's earth columns are bypassed and the oil is led directly to the filter-degasser. The Fuller's earth is reactivated by incineration in situ.

During this time, we continue to circulate the oil to further reduce the water content and the amount of dissolved gases.

This process is repeated until the desired oil quality is reached. The Fuller's earth can be reactivated ±300 times. This means that the amount of waste per ton of oil processed is very low. Moreover, this tiny amount of spent Fuller's earth is problem-free from a disposal point of view, since the last reactivation leaves it oil-free.

Sludge removed from buffer
tank after reactivation
Monitoring of reactivation process
The final step is to restore the inhibitor content:

In the last phase the oil is inhibited to improve its anti-aging capabilities.

The appropriate amount of inhibitors is dissolved in a portion of the newly treated oil. This stock solution is introduced into the main oil stream and circulated until it is well mixed. The concentration should be approximately 0.35% in accordance with IEC60422 standard.