Transformer Oil Analysis
Analyze the oil at least once a year. Similar to blood picture, which provides information about the health of a patient, the quality of the oil says something about the fitness of the transformer. Decisive factors for good oil quality are, for example, a low water content, a high interfacial tension, a high dielectric strength, and a low power factor. “Dissolved Gas Analysis" (DGA), which examines the ratio of gases dissolved in the oil, is particularly precise.
T R I (Transfo Reseaux Ingénierie) is providing expertise for Root cause analysis and failure remediation & for Diagnosing the transformer ageing process early and reliably based on oil analyses report provided.
Avoiding damage and its consequences
Insight into the root causes of a failure allows appropriate actions to be taken, avoiding further damage and preventing further unplanned outages.
Better reliability, availability and safety
Addressing the root causes of events and proposing remedial action improves equipment reliability and availability as well as safety.
We are independent from equipment manufacturers, providing a service in the interests of asset owners, operators and stakeholders.
Valuable experience
We have more than 35 years of field experience analyzing failure events in power grids and many other industrial sectors worldwide.